Our Annual Meeting will include the installation of the 2023-2024 Board of Directors and a message from our outgoing Chair, Rick Nishanian, Vanderpool, Frostick & Nishanian, P.C. and our incoming Chair, Gary Jones II, Summit Community Bank.
Join us for an evening of fun, socializing, music, yard games, and delicious food! This year, in sticking to our theme of 'Get Your Business in the Game,' you and your team can test your skills at our Cornhole Competition (other yard games too)!
Please dress for outside weather in business casual attire- Hawaiian Shirts & Shorts encouraged. This event is rain or shine!
Local band, SereeBrem, joins us LIVE! Check them out-- https://youtu.be/FOQLnWDBxgg
Food Samples from a variety of Chamber Members will be available, as well as 1 Drink ticket & 1 Raffle ticket per attendee.
Clean out your pantries as we will also be conducting a Food Drive with House of Mercy!
A huge THANK YOU to all of our Sponsors & Partners in Excellence, including:
Toast Sponsor:
Celebration Sponsors:
Brought to you by Ace Handyman Tri-County NOVA and Ace Handyman Northwest Prince William
Please reach out to Tori Tindall (571-765-1875 or ttindall@pwchamber.org) for Sponsorships and questions.